What is cellulite, all its types, the factors that underlie its onset, and the importance of carrying out a correct detection.
What is cellulite and how many cellulite types exist
Cellulite is a situation of altered metabolism localized in the subcutaneous tissue which causes an increase in the size of the fat cells and water retention in the intercellular spaces. The skin, due to this type of decompensation, has a spongy appearance and depending on the age of the woman and the stage of progress, we can recognize three types of cellulite:
Edematous cellulite is mainly characterized by water retention. The slowing down of blood and lymphatic microcirculation leads to an accumulation of liquids and toxins in the interstitial spaces of the subcutaneous adipose tissue (hypodermis).
In this case, your skin is visibly orange peel. What exactly is happening to your body? Let's start from the fact that, although the situation is no longer like that of oedematous cellulite, we are still reversible, but action must be taken.
Sclerotic cellulite is an already advanced stage of cellulite and occurs when the capillary circle surrounding the fat cells is completely sclerotic and circulation is practically blocked.
At the origin of cellulite, there is a set of genetic, constitutional, hormonal, and vascular causes, often aggravated by a sedentary life, stress, poor diet, intestinal disorders, or those physical conditions characterized by marked water retention.
The role of hormones is important. The action carried out by the ovarian, pituitary, and thyroid hormones is fundamental.
During puberty, female secondary sexual characteristics are defined, such as the enlargement of the pelvis, to a more accentuated localization of fat at the level of the buttocks, thighs, and hips, and the development of the mammary glands, due to the intervention of estrogens which also contribute to making the tissues richer in water.
If these modifications remain within certain limits there is no problem, but when they exceed, problematic conditions might arise. Furthermore, if the menstrual irregularities, typical of this age, are important, a predisposing terrain is determined for the onset of cellulite and its accentuation.
During pregnancy, there is a delicate hormonal condition often associated with other factors, such as constipation, increased abdominal pressure, a slowdown in blood circulation in the lower limbs, and a sedentary lifestyle: factors that can contribute to the development of cellulite.
There is a family predisposition linked to genetic factors, greater hormonal sensitivity, and a certain capillary fragility, at the origin of cellulite.
Ethnic, and racial conditions and familiar eating behaviours influence its onset.
The frenetic life and all related bad habits, such as the abuse of smoke or coffee, sudden changes in biorhythms, exaggerated physical and mental fatigue, and poor night rest, are all conditions that contribute to determining the onset of cellulite. Stress causes a whole series of influences on the body.
The use of unsuitable shoes, or heels that are too high, force the foot into an unnatural position, causing an overload for the forefoot; footwear that has a too narrow and rigid toe can deform the shape of the foot. Over time, cellulite develops at the level of the ankles and calves.
We must try not to alter the physiological curve of the spine, for example by walking in shoes with too high heels, because any modification causes a whole series of problems. Situations that involve a variation of the physiological curvature, as well as causing various serious disorders, can favour the manifestation of cellulite. An increase in abdominal volume, for example in pregnancy, acts on the rachis and causes a slowdown in the waste venous circulation, from the legs towards the centre, due to the compression exerted on the iliac vessels.

3 types
of cellulite depending on the severity
90% of women
is affected by one of the 3 types of cellulite
20/60 years
The age at which the problem can occur
The importance of a
correct diagnosis
Thermographic plates
A fundamental importance to effectively combat cellulite is to identify its stage (type). This phase is essential to intervene effectively.
Treating sclerotic cellulite like cellulite in the first stage is completely ineffective as well as being a real waste of time and money. Contact thermography is a patented system developed in Italy. Thanks to contact thermography, and in particular with thermographic plates, you can:
Contact thermography allows to identify the very first stages of cellulite, not yet visible, allowing the specialist to intervene promptly with preventive treatments.
It detects whether the user needs to undergo a particular treatment.
It allows you to precisely locate and classify the main stages of cellulite.